Comparison of performance impact for anonymous functions with JavaScript variable versus local named functions.

# On Count Var|Half|Ggl full, sec run, sec eval, sec file size, bytes render, sec Browser Urls
0 waiting... Each Fun Local ? ? ? ? ? ? script
1 waiting... Half Fun Local ? ? ? ? ? ? script
2 waiting... Each Var Local ? ? ? ? ? ? script
3 waiting... Half Var Local ? ? ? ? ? ? script
4 waiting... Each Fun Global ? ? ? ? ? ? script
5 waiting... Half Fun Global ? ? ? ? ? ? script
6 waiting... Each Var Global ? ? ? ? ? ? script
7 waiting... Half Var Global ? ? ? ? ? ? script
total functions > 10
total time, sec 0
prerendered static files: 500 | 1000 | 3000 | 10000

Goal is to compare timing on similar set of functions(named and anonymous) for:

Additional requirements:


index.jsp - this file | AnonymousJsVsNamed.js.jsp - JS rendering JSP
© Sasha Firsov, 2010