
I like puzzles on C++ and hope it is the best solution in this time.
All headers is completed and can be used in non-commercial projects free.
For last update information, code samples or job proposition
e-mail me

FAssert.h - FASSERT, FTRACE, ANONIMOUS variable name



FTList.h - FTList<T,K>, FTElement<T,K> : 2-linked list. Each element derived from FTElement<T,K>

FWorkThread.h - FSyncThread<T>, FBeginWorkThread(T* pThis, void (T::*PtrFun)(void) )

template < class T > DWORD FBeginWorkThread(DWORD (*fun)(T), T param)

template < class T >DWORD FBeginWorkThread(T* pThis, void (T::*PtrFun)(void) )

template < class T , void (T::*PtrFun)(void) >DWORD FBeginWorkThread1(T* pThis )

template < class T >class FSyncThread

FPtr.H - FTmpVal<T>, FPtr<T> FPtrRef<T>

FTmpVal<T> - temporary change variable value. Destructor will restore original one.

FPtr<T> - destoy owned object in destructor. Analog stl::auto_ptr.

FPtrRef<T> - safe pointer to object, derived from FPtrRefObj<T>. Object destructor will clear all references to self.


Compound project support:

Used for independent modules references. In such way You need just include/remove a CPP module in project for add/remove new features in program. Useful alternative of COM for inproc servers.

SIdAssoc.h - ID-tag to function map. Allow call function with mapped ID. Type of function is templated.

IDConstr.h - ID-tag to constructor map. Allow call constructor with mapped ID. Type of base class and constructor arguments is templated. Allow automatic creation of class object with non-empty constructor.

Document/view compound(not OLE) support:



Copyright Oleksandr Firsov (C) 2000
